Global Connect

Innovative Carrier Services for International Operators who want UK and US domestic economics.

Simwood is a domestic carrier in the UK and US, with 28 years of experience in providing services to other telcos. We are the secret weapon behind many top names in telecoms. We are an agile telecom carrier that specializes in innovation-driven telephony. Backed by our rock-solid network and groundbreaking fraud protection, our uncompromisingly honest approach sets us apart as a rare find in the industry.

UK Surcharges

The UK operates under an origin-based surcharge regime, which cannot be eliminated. However, we offer a solution to derisk these surcharges by providing a fixed, cost-oriented uplift based on your country of origin and traffic profile. This ensures certainty in your costs, offering predictability in a dynamic market.

With Simwood Global Connect, you are just one hop away from 90%+ of the ultimate terminating networks in the UK and US, ensuring call quality for your customers’ traffic to key markets.

To learn more about our UK and US offerings, tap the button and drop us a line.

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Interested? Catch us at ITW, AFRICA next to chat more about UK and US voice needs.