

999 price changes – more options to meet your GC4 obligations

Ross Mckillop

Ross Mckillop

6th January 2015

It’s exactly one year ago to the day that we announced that we were abolishing our monthly fee for 999 record updates in favour of a per update fee of £5. While this encouraged some of you to implement 999 services the uptake is still largely underwhelming despite it being a regulatory obligation.

We are pleased to be able to offer an additional price tier of £500 setup with no ongoing or per-update fees. The setup fee covers the interop work required to ensure valid data is sent and that 999 calls route from your network correctly.

It’s our hope that this will encourage those CPs who are holding out due to the cost of enabling large number ranges and further aid you in your GC4 compliance.

If you wish to take advantage of either our £5 per update pricing or our £500 one-off pricing for 999 updates please contact support.

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