

Mobile Update – The Launch

Ross Mckillop

Ross Mckillop

21st August 2015

It’s been a while since I updated you on our mobile products and I’m delighted to say that today we finished putting the finishing touches to Mobile and are preparing to launch imminently.

So here is what’s happening next:

  • Monday 24th August: Our SIM provisioning API (and the SIM provisioning features of the Portal) will be unavailable while we migrate to the live platform. Launch pricing will be available as well as our launch API documentation.
  • Tuesday 25th August: Our Mobile Contract will be available on our website and from our Operations Desk. All data sessions for developer pack SIMs will require the purchase of data and you’ll have much more control over your data sessions including fixed IPv4 addresses!
  • Wednesday 26th August: You will be able to sign up to Simwood Mobile! Once the contract is digitally signed you will have access to create your own brands and order branded production SIMs for your own customers through our API and Portal!

We still have a bit more work to do regarding our mobile numbers; they are SMS enabled from all UK mobile networks but aren’t included in-bundle for voice on all networks yet, however this process is underway and will be completed shortly. We also have a few weeks until we are ready to port numbers in and out but that itself is also a game-changer as you’ll be able to port numbers in and route them wherever you like via SIP.

So that’s where we are with mobile – we’re launching next week and we hope you’re as excited as we are!

If you’re planning big things with mobile please do get in touch as we have some fantastic launch offers for anyone looking to pre-commit to 1,000 SIMs or more. Contact Craig, our Partner Manager, through the Operations Desk or directly for more information.

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