

ClueCon 2016

Ross Mckillop

Ross Mckillop

8th August 2016

Once again, we’re proud sponsors of ClueCon in Chicago.

Our CEO Simon Woodhead is talking on Tuesday at 1530, introducing our new network architecture and discussing Merchant Silicon and SDN and the advantages this can bring.

Additionally, one of our Associate Directors – Cal Leeming – will be discussing DevOps practices and lessons learned as we introduce containerisation to our infrastructure on Wednesday at 1700.

Both Simon and Cal will be on hand throughout ClueCon if you’d like to talk to them about anything in the above presentations (or anything else).  We’re also participating in the API Challenge, being supported by the Operations Team back across the pond.

If you miss us at ClueCon, don’t forget we’ll be attending Convergence Summit South on the 27th and 28th of September at Sandown Park, and Astricon around the same time in Phoenix, Arizona.

See you there!

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