
Intelligent Solutions

Introducing our ‘Carrier’ rate deck

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

12th May 2020

By Simon Woodhead

TLDR; if you have termination volume, but value quality, talk to Frazer or his team.

Simwood has always been at the quality value-added end of wholesale, enabling access to startups and unique features to growing operators. That has served us (and we hope, you) well. We’ve commercially competed head-on with the likes of BT IPEX through Virtual Interconnect, and offered Managed Interconnect as a unique service in the marketplace for those who may have outgrown it. Even at the no-commit Startup level, recent changes make our rates often 90%+ lower than competitors who haven’t evolved, despite the masses of value we add otherwise.

We’ve also introduced Simwood Partner for more value-added, and recognise that some of the customers our entry-level wholesale proposition attracted would be better served there. Lastly, we introduced Simwood Partner Hybrid for those who want wholesale economics, with the benefit of a server-less Partner platform. Lots of change to mostly reflect where the market is, and moreover, where it is heading.

I say “mostly” because whilst that reflects the unique collection of assets Simwood has – we’re not reselling anyone, we’re not licensing anything – it doesn’t fully exploit them all. We own our stack, built on our own network, and Carrier status in both the UK and North America and leveraging the dozens of bilateral contracts we have with other operators, not least in pursuit of BTZero in the UK. Until now, they’ve enabled us to offer better quality, more stable service, rather than being a product in their own right.

Today, we’re embarking on leveraging that more with a true wholesale rate deck focused on pushing volume through, at the more commoditised end of the business. We know there’s a few established hosted operators out there who find our propositions a square peg in a round hole given they’re already buying from other carriers who are in asset-sweating mode and just want revenue. This is for you, presuming capability for a 5 or 6 figure monthly spend given the right rate.

This is also for the international carriers who we’re talking to in a COVID-19 world. Since COVID, we’ve seen general wholesale volumes ease to reflect the slowing economy, but we’re having some invigorating conversations with serious people who need rapid capacity into the UK, and/or diversity from BT (we do not resell BT IPEX and never have) through our bilaterals, or access to the US market especially for US Toll Free termination on terms unheard of outside the USA. This is for you too.

We’re talking predominantly termination here; A-Z but with a focus on UK and US. We are doing some interesting things with inbound too though, leveraging the unique way we can route some traffic around BT. Talk to us if you have a serious requirement here.

If any of the above appeals to you, please get in touch with us.

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