Simwood Blog | 138 Results For



Which equilibrium will prevail?

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

7th December 2021


Speaking at Westminster Forum

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

7th December 2021

IP Network

Good news for AWS customers

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

28th October 2021

Intelligent Solutions

Have you been shafted yet?

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

28th October 2021

Intelligent Solutions

Management reshuffle

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

15th October 2021

Intelligent Solutions

Call forwarding behaviour change

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

2nd July 2021

Intelligent Solutions

The Clustercuss Begins!

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

1st July 2021

Intelligent Solutions

What to expect on July 1st

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

28th June 2021


Origin based charging – what a mess!

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

24th June 2021


UK Origin Charging

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

10th May 2021


We want your UK termination!

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

21st April 2021

Intelligent Solutions

All-time traffic records and BTZero

Simon Woodhead

Simon Woodhead

2nd March 2021